Using to identify Community Qualified Leads

Albert Wong
2 min readFeb 16, 2024


The open-source world thrives on collaboration and user engagement. But when it comes to turning those engaged users into paying customers, the path often feels murky. That’s where steps in, acting as your personal detective for identifying companies that hold the key to Community Qualified Leads (CQLs).

Note: is free*** for Linux Foundation projects.

Note: Apache Software Foundation now approves the use of scarf to tracking adoption and usage of Apache Superset.

What are CQLs and why are they special?

CQLs are a new breed of leads, born from the unique dynamics of open-source projects. They represent companies actively using your software, demonstrating genuine interest and technical understanding beyond mere downloads. Unlike traditional marketing leads, CQLs have already begun their journey within your community, building trust and familiarity with your product.

How does Scarf help identify these hidden gems?

Scarf goes beyond the limitations of traditional lead generation methods. It doesn’t just track anonymous downloads; it delves deeper, uncovering the companies behind them. This is achieved through various data points, including:

  • Website tracking: Scarf identifies companies visiting your website from open-source environments, revealing their interest in your solutions.
  • Download attribution: Gone are the days of anonymous downloads. Scarf connects downloads to specific companies, providing valuable insights into their usage patterns.
  • Documentation engagement: Companies actively reading your documentation are more likely to be seriously considering your product. Scarf tracks these interactions, highlighting engaged potential customers.

Turning data into actionable insights:

Scarf doesn’t just throw data at you; it helps make sense of it. Its intuitive dashboard translates complex information into actionable insights, including:

  • Company profiles: Get a comprehensive view of each identified company, including size, industry, and technology stack.
  • Engagement scores: Scarf goes beyond just identifying companies; it measures their level of engagement with your software, helping you prioritize outreach efforts.
  • Feature usage insights: Understand how companies are using specific features, guiding your development roadmap and marketing strategies.

The benefits of using Scarf for CQL identification:

  • Targeted outreach: Focus your marketing and sales efforts on companies with a genuine interest in your product, leading to higher conversion rates and better ROI.
  • Strengthen community relationships: By engaging with companies actively using your software, you foster stronger relationships and build trust within the community.
  • Data-driven decision making: Make informed decisions about product development, marketing campaigns, and resource allocation based on real user behavior.

Scarf isn’t just a tool; it’s a game-changer for open-source businesses. It empowers you to identify and nurture CQLs, bridging the gap between community engagement and commercial success. So, are you ready to uncover the hidden potential within your open-source community? Give Scarf a try and see for yourself!



Albert Wong

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