How StarRocks technically saved 80% in costs over a ClickHouse, Apache Druid and Presto solution for Didi

Albert Wong
1 min readDec 1, 2023


Migration from Presto, ClickHouse, Apache Druid to StarRocks

For Didi’s MAS monitoring and alarm system business unit, the migration from #Clickhouse and #ApacheDruid to #StarRocks brought about significant improvements. With an intake of 450,000 entries per second, and a daily data volume of 12TB, the new environment provided:

  • Reduced query latency: StarRocks delivered faster query performance compared to the previous OLAP setup, enabling real-time insights and decision-making.
    — Query performance improved 4x.
    — Query P90 time improved from 500ms to 150ms.
  • Simplified data management: The unified nature of StarRocks streamlined data management, reduced operational complexity and improved data consistency. In addition, with the ability to better support JOINS at scale, the data movement pipelines were radically simpified.
  • Reduced infrastructure costs: StarRocks’ elasticity and efficient resource utilization significantly lowered Didi’s OLAP infrastructure costs.
    — The cluster size reduced from 60+ nodes to less than 10 nodes.
    — Data storage volume reduced by about 40%.
    — Overall cost reduced by more than 80%.




Albert Wong

#eCommerce #Java #Database #k8s #Automation. Hobbies: #BoardGames #Comics #Skeet #VideoGames #Pinball #Magic #YelpElite #Travel #Candy