How to register Apache Hudi open table format files into Apache Hive Metastore (HMS)

Albert Wong
May 30, 2024


A Hudi table can directly be synced to the Hive Metastore using Hive Sync Tool and subsequently be queried by different query engines. For more information on the Hive Sync Tool, check Hudi Hive Metastore docs.

cd $HUDI_HOME/hudi-sync/hudi-hive-sync

./ \
--jdbc-url <jdbc_url> \
--user <username> \
--pass <password> \
--partitioned-by <partition_field> \
--base-path <'/path/to/synced/hudi/table'> \
--database <database_name> \
--table <tableName>

See more at



Albert Wong

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