Debunking the Myth: Club Soccer Referees Are Independent Contractors

Albert Wong
3 min readOct 3, 2024


Are Club Soccer Referees Biased?

A common misconception in the world of club soccer is that referees favor certain teams or organizations during tournaments and games. This belief often leads to frustration and disappointment among players, coaches, and parents. However, the truth is that the referees officiating these matches are independent contractors, not employees of the sponsoring tournaments or organizations.

The Role of Independent Contractors

In most cases, the referees assigned to club soccer tournaments and games are contracted through local soccer leagues or associations. These individuals are not affiliated with any particular team or organization, ensuring their impartiality. They are hired based on their qualifications and experience, and their primary responsibility is to enforce the rules of the game fairly and objectively.

The Importance of Neutrality

The neutrality of referees is crucial to the integrity of club soccer competitions. If referees were to favor certain teams or organizations, it would undermine the fairness and credibility of the sport. By ensuring that referees are independent contractors, leagues and associations can help to maintain a level playing field for all participants.

The Rangers South Summer Tournament Example

During the 2022 Summer Tournament, I encountered a situation that highlighted a common misconception about referees. A parent accused a referee of favoring a specific team, claiming that a player on the opposing team had received two yellow cards. As a tournament volunteer, I investigated the matter by reviewing the previous match sheets.

To my surprise, there were no yellow cards recorded for the player in question. When I confronted the parent, they insisted that the referee must have simply forgotten to write them down. Despite our efforts to address the issue with the referee, they refused to alter the existing match reports.

Ultimately, the parent escalated the matter to the tournament director. After reviewing the match sheets and discussing the situation with the referees, the director concluded that there was no evidence of favoritism or incorrect carding.

Lessons Learned

This incident underscored the importance of carefully reviewing match sheets and ensuring their accuracy. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Verify Carding: Always double-check match sheets for red and yellow cards to ensure they are accurately recorded.
  • Confirm Player Details: Verify player names, numbers, and scores to prevent misunderstandings.
  • Respect Referee Decisions: While it may be frustrating to disagree with a referee’s call, their decisions are generally final.
  • Protect Your Interests: Before signing a match sheet, ensure its accuracy. This document can be used to address disputes and resolve issues.

By following these guidelines, we can help to maintain the integrity of club soccer tournaments and prevent unnecessary conflicts.


The belief that referees in club soccer tournaments favor certain teams or organizations is a misconception. By understanding that these referees are independent contractors, we can appreciate the importance of their neutrality and the role they play in ensuring fair and competitive matches.



Albert Wong
Albert Wong

Written by Albert Wong

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