Ask HN: Is there an open source database like this?
1. Has multi-group Raft like CockroachDB.
Many fit this criteria
2. Can be columnar and supports SIMD vectorized queries.
Right now only C++ based engines can do this — StarRocks and Clickhouse. JDK 21 supports SIMD so Trino may fit this soon.
3. Has many useful indexes like bitmap, skip list, & full text inverted index.
I believe that StarRocks, ClickHouse, Trino fit his
4. Separate compute & storage. It stores cold data on blob stores like S3. Even better if the compute is serverless.
StarRocks, ClickHouse, Trino
5. Can query external tables stored in Iceberg, similar to Trino.
StarRocks, ClickHouse, Trino
6. You can perform all these in a nice unified SQL dialect.
StarRocks, ClickHouse, Trino
So the short list seems like StarRocks, Clickhouse and Trino can potentially fit all 6 of these critieria.